Keeping Fit After 60

Keeping Fit After 60

As we get older, we inevitably find that keeping fit after 60 becomes more difficult than one could think. Signs of ageing such as a loss of bone density, softer vision or problems with balance can make the idea of committing to keeping ourselves physically active seemingly insurmountable. The good news is that despite these obstacles, it’s absolutely possible to lead an active life, which will help you feel energised, strong and confident!


Exercise for the Elderly

Everyone is different, so planning and sticking to an active lifestyle is a different journey for everyone. Of course, the key things to keeping fit after 60 is to remember your own personal limits, and health issues (age-related or not) that you need to work around – after all, you won’t be able to be very active if you injure yourself!

A key mantra to remember when thinking about how to stay active is “If I can do something, I should try.We’re used to thinking of ageing as something that will inevitably take away our independence, and as something that will force us to give up things we enjoy, and things that make us healthier and happier. This simply isn’t true!

From Yoga and Pilates to the crisp morning walk or run, there are exercises and activities suitable for people of all levels of fitness – as well as those who are tackling reduced mobility or frailty. Low-impact exercise, such as swimming, cycling or using a cross-fit machine at the gym helps our heart and lungs keep healthy for longer, tackles depression and avoids much of the risk of sprains or strains associated with higher-impact exercise such as running (which can cause strain on our ankles).

Thinking about old-age exercise can be difficult. We might not want to face potential hurdles or difficulties we might experience, and we might not want to think that we’re less physically able than we once were. The truth is, however, that people with more than sixty candles on their birthday cake can be fitter and stronger than people half their age. In fact, some studies show that ageing itself is not a factor in physical decline until our mid-nineties!1

We’ve seen ‘elderly’ people scale mountains, run the London marathon and win sports tournaments! There is absolutely no reason to suggest that age prohibits activity.


How to start keeping fit after 60

If you are looking to increase your activity levels (which will lead to a healthier you!), or start a new active lifestyle after a period of inactivity – looking for beginner classes in Yoga is a great way to start. Yoga helps us boost energy levels as well as maximise our mobility, and, additionally, gets us thinking about and being aware of our bodies in a new way.

For more advice on keeping fit after 60, you can speak to your doctor (a great place to start if you have chronic health conditions), or even have a consultation with a personal trainer at your local gym!

Regular exercise, married to a healthy diet, can make a massive difference in our well-being. You don’t have to run a marathon to go far when it comes to fitness!



[1] | Retrieved 11/2/2020

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