The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a planned unannounced inspection of Paxton Hall Care Home on 8 January 2020 and we are delighted with the excellent report. Their ratings of the home were as follows.
Overall Rating for this Service: Good
- Is the service safe? Good
- Is the service effective? Good
- Is the service caring? Good
- Is the service responsive? Good
- Is the service well-led? Good
Below is a quote taken from the summary report:
This excellent result is due to the hard work and commitment of all staff at the Home who take pride in their vocation and truly care about our residents.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
People who lived at Paxton Hall Care Home received care from a staff team who were all caring about delivering an individual based service. Staff knew each person well. People’s views were respected, and they were involved in everything that happened in the service. People were happy living there and relatives trusted the staff team to look after their family members. One relative said, “It’s wonderful here I couldn’t wish for anywhere better for [family member]”
The full inspection report can be obtained from the CQC website using the link on the home page. The inspection summary report can be read here.
To find out more about care at Paxton Hall in Cambridge, click here.