Residents’ Gardening Club

Gardening Club has really hit the ground running this year with a lovely variety of flowers and vegetables being planted. Residents have thoroughly enjoyed potting the vegetables from seed, watching them outgrow their pots and finally planting them in the garden to see them flourish. The types of vegetables we are growing include Little Gem Lettuce, Radish, Spring Onions, Cabbage, Green Beans, Dwarf Beans, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Salad Leaves and a variety of different herbs. All of the vegetables we grow are used by our kitchen and enjoyed by our residents. We have a beautiful trug full of vibrant Marigolds which produce a beautiful injection of colour to the garden area accompanied by some lovely Petunias and Fushia’s in the window baskets. Residents are thoroughly enjoying watching the garden come to life whilst sharing their fond memories of their gardening lives.


Grown by resident.


Resident focused on planting.


Carer helping a resident


Residents’ garden with raised beds and seating




7 July 2021

You are cordially invited to visit us at Paxton Hall if you are you are looking for a home for either yourself or someone close to you, You can visit us unannounced on Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM or by prior appointment with the Administrator for any other time. This will enable us to ensure there is a senior person around to answer your questions.


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